From the Desk of the Chief of Staff

August 12, 2020 /

While much of our time and attention has been occupied with Covid-19 these past few months, there are other items on the horizon of which I’d like to make you aware:

  1. We will transition to a new version of Epic in a few short months.Kick-off for this project has already begun and we plan to Go-Live with Oschner Health’s model of Epic (O2) on November 8th, 2020.  The project name this time around is TRITON (Transitioning Resources & Innovation Through Our Network).  The project team, consisting of both Oschner and TRMC staff, have already begun meeting with physicians and staff.  More info will follow with respect to discovery sessions, training, personalization, timelines and more.  Stay tuned!!
  2. The Medical Staff Office is diligently working to upgrade our Credentialing/Privileging process to an electronic system which will prove more efficient, complete, and user friendly than our current paper system.This upgrade is long overdue and I’m excited for this to be rolled out later this year.

Thank you for all you do for our patients and health system.  Our success during this pandemic is in large part to your leadership, dedication, and commitment to excellence.