EPIC Update

Physician Connection

The TRMC team has been working with Ochsner over the last several weeks to create the implementation plan for the Ochsner version of EPIC (O2). The version of EPIC we currently use is scheduled to retire early 2021 and with that, we have the opportunity to move to the instance that Ochsner has in place for all of its other facilities. Ashley Patterson has paired up with Anthony Pavlov at Ochsner to lead us through this journey. There was a contest in July to name this effort and the winning department was Radiology with the name of TRITON (Transforming Resources Innovatively Through Our Network).
We continue to schedule departmental discovery sessions to allow Ocshner the visibility of current state workflows. These sessions will help determine the degree of process change that will be instituted when we convert over to O2. Discovery sessions are scheduled to be completed by mid-August. Other deliverables that are due in the month of August are 90 Day Go Live Readiness Assessment and identification of super users and provider champions. Ochsner requires 15% of all staff be trained as super users to serve as new user trainers and ongoing at the elbow support for user questions. In addition to being the floor trainers for new staff, part of this responsibility will be required quarterly training events performed via WebEx sessions and an active role in implementation of all enhancements/upgrades. Teresa Cannon and the Informatics team are currently going through the Ochsner Fellowship Academy to become Credentialed Classroom Trainers. This is a 12 week program and will prepare the Informatics team to lead classroom sessions for all staff prior to super user led operational training.
Please see the graphic on roles and responsibilities:
End user training is slated to begin in early September with all end user training complete by the third week of October.