Titus Regional Foundation Announces CommUNITY Award Winners
The Titus Regional Medical Foundation (TRMF) is excited to honor two outstanding volunteers with the CommUNITY Award at the 2024 TRMF Grand Gala on April 27, 2024. This award honors those who have given of their time and talents to ensure Healthier Tomorrows in Northeast Texas and serves as a token of appreciation for their incredible contributions.

Katie White, Head Chaplain Titus Regional Medical Center
TRMF is honored to recognize Mrs. Katie White, head Chaplain for Titus Regional Medical Center (TRMC). Mrs. White has been a part of the Chaplain Team at Titus for over 20 years. This group of spiritual leaders is dedicated to the patients, visitors, and staff of TRMC and serve daily through visits to anyone who will welcome them. Mrs. White works leads, organizes and schedules the men and women on our Chaplain Team and ensures someone is always available to take “call” if a patient requests a spiritual advisor. They serve daily and are available twenty-four hours a day. Mrs. White shared, “I feel blessed to be a part of this group. When we know someone needs a special touch, we can be here for them.” CEO Terry Scoggin shared, “Mrs. Katie is an absolute blessing. I have been so touched to watch her serve the Lord through TRMC touching so many hearts and souls.”

Linda Blount TRMC Auxiliary
TRMF is honored to recognize Mrs. Linda Blount, President of the TRMC Auxiliary. This organization works tirelessly inside the walls of TRMC assisting patients, running the gift shop, and serving countless bags of popcorn which raises money to help with a multitude of improvement projects throughout the TRMC health system. Mrs. Blount has served the Auxiliary team since March of 2001, including many years of service as the president of the group. CEO Terry Scoggin shared, “Mrs. Linda is fabulous! Always willing to help no matter what is asked. She has been recognized by multiple team members within the organization for her dedication and we are honored to present this award for all she does for TRMC and the Auxiliary.”